Despre Noi


Prin magazinul nostru de cadouri personalizate vrem sa aratam ca suntem mai mult decat un alt comerciant.
Suntem atenti la detalii si folosim doar materiale de calitate superioara, in acelasi timp dorim sa oferim clientilor nostri o experienta pozitiva cu privire la cumparaturile online.
Uita de alergatul prin tot orasul dupa cadouri. Catalogul nostru de produse este destul de cuprinzator incat sa poti gasi ceva pe gustul tau si este la doar cateva clicuri distanta.

Oferim mai mult decat simple cadouri, oferim sentimente, ganduri, amintiri, "asezate frumos" pe un produs unic.

Cadou Inedit - daruieste din inima

Produse disponibile
Clienti multumiti
Oameni care apreciaza ce facem

Store events

Alege ce-ti place

Probabil si tu ai momente in care esti in pana de idei, te panichezi si nu mai consideri nimic potrivit pentru persoana draga tie. Cadou Inedit este un loc unde cu siguranta vei gasi ceea ce cauti, dar si unde iti poti pune amprenta asupra darului ales. Venim in ajutorul tau cu o multime de idei!

For convenience of choice

We think about the convenience of your choice. Our products are supplied with star rating that should help hesitant buyers to take a decision. What’s more, you can search our site if you know exactly what you are looking for or use a bunch of different filters that will considerably save your time and efforts.

For convenience of choice

We think about the convenience of your choice. Our products are supplied with star rating that should help hesitant buyers to take a decision. What’s more, you can search our site if you know exactly what you are looking for or use a bunch of different filters that will considerably save your time and efforts.

Our team

Lucy Anderson

Mega positive shop assistant always ready to help you make the right choice and charm you with a smile.

Bob Dylan

Senior salesman with 15 years of experience. He knows everything about the products he offers.

Jonh Doe

Wholesale manager. Contact him if you want to buy a batch of the products offered at our store.

Jane Smith

Quality control manager. Her mission is to check the products we ship and settle quality issues if any.
